شريك موثوق به للعلامات التجارية العالمية

MCFT هي شركاء خدمة موثوق بهم لأكبر العلامات التجارية لخدمات التموين والتبريد في العالم. يتلقى الفنيون لدينا تدريبًا رائدًا في الصناعة من فريقنا الداخلي في المملكة المتحدة والمصنعين من جميع أنحاء العالم.
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مرحبًا بك في MCFT

تقوم MCFT بصيانة المطابخ التجارية - فريق من الفنيين في الشاحنات الصغيرة ، يعتنون بجميع معدات المطاعم والتبريد الخاصة بك. نقوم بذلك من أجل: سلاسل QSR والمطاعم والفنادق والمطاعم والتجزئة و FM ومكاتب الشركات والتعليم والرعاية الصحية والمعالم السياحية واليخوت الفاخرة والقصور الملكية والقطاع العام. الذي نفعله:
  • الصيانة الوقائية المخططة (PPM)

    متابعة نطاق الأعمال المتعمق لدينا والذي يتجاوز SFG20. نحن نطيل عمر أجهزتك ، ونقلل من وقت التوقف عن العمل ونزيد من ربحيتك.

  • 24/7 مكالمات الطوارئ والإصلاحات

    نعمل على مدار الساعة طوال أيام الأسبوع ونعمل على تلبية متطلبات عملك. يتم تقسيم فرق الفنيين لدينا على المستوى الإقليمي ويحضرون المكالمات بسرعة ، مع الأدوات الصحيحة ومخزون من قطع الغيار لإعادتك وتشغيلها

  • توريد قطع الغيار والتخزين والخدمات اللوجستية

    لدينا مخزون كبير من قطع الغيار والمعدات الجديدة والمستعملة لتناسب جميع احتياجات العمل. ما ليس لدينا ، نقوم بشرائه بأفضل الأسعار لك. كما نقدم خدمات التخزين والدعم اللوجستي لمخزون المعدات وقطع الغيار الخاصة بك.

  • توريد وتركيب المعدات

    نقوم بتوريد وتركيب وتشغيل معدات التبريد والتموين - لتأمين أفضل أسعار السوق للعملاء.

  • تدريب المشغلين

    غالبًا ما يتم تجاهله ، ولكنه مفتاح الصيانة والعمر الافتراضي للمعدات. نحن نقدم تدريب المشغل بناءً على تعليمات OEM وسنوات من الخبرة في الصناعة.

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ملاحظات العملاء
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أحدث الأخبار
بواسطة George Roberts-Smith 13 Mar, 2020
Experience with SARS and MERS suggest that people are not infected with the virus through food. So, it is unlikely the virus is passed on through food and there is no evidence yet of this happening with COVID-19 (coronavirus) to date.

Coronaviruses need a host (animal or human) to grow in and cannot grow in food. Thorough cooking is expected to kill the virus because we know that a heat treatment of at least 30min at 60ºC is effective with SARS.

So a kitchen is not any more or less susceptible to transmission than any other workplace where people are coming in and out.

Food workers should maintain proper hygiene practices (this isn't new) and operators should be quick to identify staff who are sick and (critically in this part of the world) not financially motivate them to come in regardless. Paying someone for a few sick days will pay-off long term vs the risk of infecting further staff.

So who else is in the kitchen - well us for one and then delivery drivers - whether for incoming product deliveries or outgoing food deliveries to consumers.

I see it a fair bit but there is never (especially now) a reason for an delivery rider to be in the actual kitchen - make sure there is a clear demarcation and handover as well as communication on this (the dark kitchen guys do this well).

For service providers (like us) you need to be sure that the contractor has sound practices and guidelines in place for their staff to minimise the risks in the workplace (ask for copies). The Technicians themselves should be following similar hygiene practices to the kitchen staff (again this is always not just now) and minimising contact with any food contact surfaces as a matter of course. We have used gloves now for some time (for hygiene as well as hand protection) and found this to be a great solution - just make sure fresh gloves are used once the Technician is in your kitchen.

Please feel free to share this if others may find it useful!
بواسطة Vanessa McGrane 14 Oct, 2019
A very warm welcome to 14 new members of our technical team who joined us for the October 2019 Training visits.
Paul and Matt each conducted a week of training on Hot and Cold equipment while here with us in Dubai. A balaced mix of theory and practical workshops have provided our new recruits with a solid foundation of knowledge which wil support them on their journey with us here at MCFT.

This is the start of our new technical onboarding programme where we look to welcome lots of new members of staff over the coming months and years to support our business growth.
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أحدث الأخبار
بواسطة George Roberts-Smith 13 Mar, 2020
Experience with SARS and MERS suggest that people are not infected with the virus through food. So, it is unlikely the virus is passed on through food and there is no evidence yet of this happening with COVID-19 (coronavirus) to date.

Coronaviruses need a host (animal or human) to grow in and cannot grow in food. Thorough cooking is expected to kill the virus because we know that a heat treatment of at least 30min at 60ºC is effective with SARS.

So a kitchen is not any more or less susceptible to transmission than any other workplace where people are coming in and out.

Food workers should maintain proper hygiene practices (this isn't new) and operators should be quick to identify staff who are sick and (critically in this part of the world) not financially motivate them to come in regardless. Paying someone for a few sick days will pay-off long term vs the risk of infecting further staff.

So who else is in the kitchen - well us for one and then delivery drivers - whether for incoming product deliveries or outgoing food deliveries to consumers.

I see it a fair bit but there is never (especially now) a reason for an delivery rider to be in the actual kitchen - make sure there is a clear demarcation and handover as well as communication on this (the dark kitchen guys do this well).

For service providers (like us) you need to be sure that the contractor has sound practices and guidelines in place for their staff to minimise the risks in the workplace (ask for copies). The Technicians themselves should be following similar hygiene practices to the kitchen staff (again this is always not just now) and minimising contact with any food contact surfaces as a matter of course. We have used gloves now for some time (for hygiene as well as hand protection) and found this to be a great solution - just make sure fresh gloves are used once the Technician is in your kitchen.

Please feel free to share this if others may find it useful!
بواسطة Vanessa McGrane 14 Oct, 2019
A very warm welcome to 14 new members of our technical team who joined us for the October 2019 Training visits.
Paul and Matt each conducted a week of training on Hot and Cold equipment while here with us in Dubai. A balaced mix of theory and practical workshops have provided our new recruits with a solid foundation of knowledge which wil support them on their journey with us here at MCFT.

This is the start of our new technical onboarding programme where we look to welcome lots of new members of staff over the coming months and years to support our business growth.
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